Kent Conservatives
Thank you to everyone across Kent who voted for me and for all the support that was given to me during my campaign. I am honoured and privileged to have been elected as your Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent.
For every vote cast, door knocked, leaflet delivered, phone call made, pound fundraised and penny donated, event attended, street stall supported, envelope written, letter stuffed, social media post shared and good wish sent - I am truly grateful.
Now the work begins. I shall work hard to restore faith in the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and do what I believe is in the best interests of Kent's residents. I have signed the declaration of impartiality and I officially started on 12th May, and will be very quickly getting to work on my campaign promises.
Thank you for all your support during my campaign!
Matthew Scott
Kent's PCC elect
For every vote cast, door knocked, leaflet delivered, phone call made, pound fundraised and penny donated, event attended, street stall supported, envelope written, letter stuffed, social media post shared and good wish sent - I am truly grateful.
Now the work begins. I shall work hard to restore faith in the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and do what I believe is in the best interests of Kent's residents. I have signed the declaration of impartiality and I officially started on 12th May, and will be very quickly getting to work on my campaign promises.
Thank you for all your support during my campaign!
Matthew Scott
Kent's PCC elect
The Kent Conservatives Executive is here for all Conservatives in Kent, and be the voice of the voluntary party locally. Kent Conservatives welcome new members, supporters and helpers and details about how you can get involved in your area can be found on the Constituency pages on this website.