A new community-based programme to help children and young people in Kent to reconnect with their pre-Covid normality is getting ready to roll out as lockdown opens up.
Reconnect was set up by Kent County Council and its partners to offer all young people a positive-minded activity programme suited to their needs: summer school to make up for missed learning; for better physical health a return to favourite sports or a start to new ones. Other activities will address mental health and happiness, promote economic well-being and boost young people’s ability to get jobs. Young people who’ve lost loved ones to Covid-19 will be able to find support.
An essential part of Reconnect is for community groups, charities, voluntary organisations, sports clubs, and other bodies involved with young people to take part. www.kent.gov.uk/reconnects
There’ll be more details, including funding, after the local government elections on May 6th. https://bit.ly/2PxhmYH